8.6 out of 10

Jamaica Plain

Ranked 1st best neighborhood in Boston
42.3188628225112 -71.1098050507481
Great for
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5/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 5/5
  • Safe & Sound 4/5
  • Clean & Green 4/5
  • Pest Free 3/5
  • Peace & Quiet 4/5
  • Eating Out 5/5
  • Nightlife 4/5
  • Parks & Recreation 5/5
  • Shopping Options 5/5
  • Gym & Fitness 5/5
  • Internet Access 5/5
  • Lack of Traffic 4/5
  • Parking 4/5
  • Cost of Living 3/5
  • Resale or Rental Value 5/5
  • Public Transport 5/5
  • Medical Facilities 5/5
  • Schools 5/5
  • Childcare 5/5

"A place for every racial, social and economic class"

As a native, I couldn't say I would like to live anywhere else. The community (made of well-cultured, Ivy-educated adults, people of various sexual orientations, people from all over the world, hipsters, activists etc.) is one of the most accepting, probably in all of Massachusetts. If you want to lead a lifestyle full of culture and enlightenment, JP is the place to be. From the affluence of moss hill, to the craziness of dunster road, to the flamboyance of JP center, and all of the way to the festive culture of egleston, there is a place for everyone here. Whether you are a multi millionaire looking for a gorgeous Victorian (or historic) home on Sumner Hill, Moss Hill, the Jamaica/Arborway or Green Hill, A growing family looking to settle on Dunster Road or by Alandale Farm, A single college student wanting to experience life at Cabot estate or in a subdivided mansion, or even someone living over in Jamaica Spain, there is a place for you. City Mice can take refuge in this beautiful urban neighborhood, whild country mice can enjoy the ONLY inner city full, working farm in Boston, acre after acre of the Arnold arboretum, or the Jamaica pond; If you desire the hustle and bustle of urban life, or chose to have a multi-acre yard like I do, chances are you'll find it. It's the perfect combination of Chestnut Hill, Cambridge, Back Bay, East Boston, West-Roxbury and Roslindale that really has a place for everyone.
  • City And Suburban Life
  • Diverse (economically and racially)
  • Public Transit
  • Crime in Lower class areas
  • Little interaction between high class and low class areas
  • Usually having to pay for private school due to its being a part of Boston
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Tourists
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
PayalDesai I'm looking at a place in Egleston Square on School Street- How would you rate this area in terms of safety?
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"Great area for the outdoors!"

Jamaica Plain was founded by Puritans looking for farmland out of the city yet it ironically became the center of beer production in the Boston area. Although most of the breweries closed during Prohibition and never reopened, Jamaica Plain was destined to become one of Boston’s most popular areas for students, artists and a significant Hispanic population. The neighborhood probably has more parks and greenspaces than any other in the city and can boast Jamaica Pond, the largest and deepest fresh water mass in Boston. As a part of the amazing Emerald Necklace park system, it’s no wonder the area was once called ‘the Eden of America’.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
karena-v-o-brien Home to Sam Adams Brewery!
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3/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 3/5
  • Clean & Green 3/5
  • Eating Out 3/5
  • Nightlife 3/5
  • Parks & Recreation 3/5

"Rich in diversity and anything but plain"

Jamaica Plain is one of Boston’s most diverse neighborhoods with a growing number of young ethnic families populated most of the area. There is a large gay and lesbian community that steadily increases year after year and due to the neighborhood’s diversity is a very dynamic place to live. Many of the local businesses scattered along Centre Street have a predominantly Spanish influence. Most of the shop owners are Cuban or from the Dominican Republic. Traffic is pretty heavy in the area and most locals prefer to walk to their destination. There are great walking and biking trails along Jamaica Pond and on weekends the entire stretch is quite busy. Jamaica Pond sits along the Jamaica Way and is a nice place to visit.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
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Best Streets in Jamaica Plain


New Whitney St

"It's diverse and gentrifying quickly"
42.3340380953076 -71.110189470371

Unranked Streets in Jamaica Plain

Hillside St

"A nice street in a loud area"
42.3308516204001 -71.1044690484337

St John St

"Central JP Gem of a Street"
42.3140447349598 -71.1124612766304

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