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Leave a ReviewStreetAdvisor wants to help you find that perfect place to's that simple.
In 2007, we had the problem of not really 'fitting in' to the neighborhood we were living in. So we thought, wouldn't it be great to know about all the little nuances of the area before we made the decision to move in. Wouldn't it be great to be able to find out what the locals think of the area, what the schools are like, if there are any young families nearby or even how noisy it was.
With that problem in mind, StreetAdvisor was born. We have created a place where people can talk about the good, the bad and the 'everything in between' about their hometown. People can research the very best neighborhood based off their own specific unique needs, and even talk directly to the locals in the area.
We hope StreetAdvisor helps you find that perfect place to live.
Adam & Jason Spencer
Founded in 2007 by Jason Spencer and Adam Spencer, helps people find the perfect streets, neighborhoods and cities to live, based on the opinions of people who know best... locals.
With extensive coverage across major US cities, StreetAdvisor has evolved to become one of the leading authorities on street, neighborhood and city reviews being mentioned in The Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, San Francisco Chronicle, MSNBC and many more publications.
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