Looking for the Descendants of The Ryan and Harris Family's (African American)
My name is Robert Ryan from Columbus, Ohio. I am looking for descendants of my grandmothers fathers family, his name was John Ryan whom was killed in his 30's, he had 2 brothers name Hurbert Ryan who raised my grandmother, her brother and 3 other sisters. And a brother named Allen Ryan, their father and mother names were Thomas or (Tann), and Fannie (Gray) Ryan and this about all I have about them other than they may have come from Greensboro, Al. And my great grandmother who was a Harris, Her father and mother was Howard and Gracie (Corbin's) Harris, my great-great grandfather had children named Julia,Cornelia, Josiah, Nannie, Frances, and my great-great grandmother Mary Beatrice, I was told that their were 11 or 13 kids but these are the only ones I found. My great-great grandfathers siblings were Ophelia (Harris) Collins, Robert, Cyrus, Daniel, Josiah and Columbus. If you can help please help, my e-mail address is [email protected] Thank you
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