Wow, I didn't even realize that. To be fair, all but TWO are in the outdoors (Tsunami Sushi and SOMA exploration), and I included wine tasting in Sonoma, although, to be fair, that is secondary to biking.
OKAY - just to add a few others that don't involve massive amounts of technical equipment
- Sitting in many a Silicon Valley coffee shop, working on website development and thinking to myself, "hmm, I'm one of them"
- Working with employees from more than one major technology company in the area and getting insider information (like, which tech company has the best cafeteria, etc.)
- Eating Mexican Food at many of the random small towns in the central valley, en route to the Sierras
- "Competing" (aka climbing and then eating free beer and pizza) at one of the many everyman competitions at the local Bay Area rock gyms (it IS technically indoors)
- Showing my East Coast parents around my current place of residence
- Being introduced to Deschutes Brewery
- Riding the ferry under the Golden Gate Bridge with my friend from Australia are right. I am running out of indoor ideas quickly.