Questions in Carrollton
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Recently Answered Questions in Carrollton
Is the cell reception in Carrolton any good? What is the best carrier?
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Do many Carrollton businesses revolve around the Kentucky Speedway?
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What hotels are in Carrollton? Do they have shuttles to the race track?
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1 Answer
Is Robinson Airport mostly for businesses, or can you take a trip from there?
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Do any Carrollton residents commute to Louisville or Cincinnati?
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Are there any good bars or clubs in Carrollton for college-age students?
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Does the Kentucky Speedway bring much business to Carrollton? Or is it too far away?
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Are there many tutors for grade school age kids in Carrolton?
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About what would it cost me to rent a one bedroom apartment in Carrolton?
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What is the best place to get a fish dinner in Carrolton?
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I'm looking for a great steak house in Carrolton. Any suggestions?
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