OK, I'm gonna go ahead and expand on this. For starters the Randolph Street Market Festival is one of those that is NOT just a one-shot/one weekend out of the year event (like the annual “Taste of Randolph Street” which takes place in June.) This one is much bigger, and the big bonus is that it takes place almost year-round; one Saturday/Sunday weekend almost every month. It's a combination of outdoor street festival and indoor antique market. And it seems to have something for everybody: music, food, drink, shopping, browsing; jewelry, clothing, furniture, collectibles, antiques; buying AND selling. They even have a “Junior Collector's Club” for kids to learn about becoming collectors.
This event is anchored by the historic Plumbers Hall facility at 1350 W. Randolph Street and 1340 W. Washington Street. Free street parking is available on the side streets. You don't have to drive but may want to, just to have a way of transporting all your purchases home. The area is accessible by CTA bus (#20-Madison). Tickets are $9 if purchased online or $12 at the gate,and I believe it's good for both weekend days. There's SOOO much more about this fest than I can get into go into here. Visit their website at
http://www.randolphstreetmarket.com/ The next fest date is September 25-26. After that it will be 'indoors only' at the Plumbers Hall on November 20-21.
Summer's over but the Chicago fests continue!