Columbia Park
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- Lack of Traffic
- Parks & Recreation
- Clean & Green
- Neighborly Spirit
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Columbia Park
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
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- Gym & Fitness
- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
- Childcare
"City Life Meets Country Charm"
Tucked away behind city parks, rivers, and industrial railroads is the neighborhood of Columbia Park of northeast Minneapolis. Columbia Park gets its name from a few sources: the acquisition of the park in the “Columbian year” of 1892, the 400th year since Christopher Columbus first ventured to America, and the nearby location of Columbia Heights. The residential setting of Columbia Park is hidden away between the city of Columbia Heights, industrial areas, a park, and a golf course.
The homes of Columbia Park are in large part brick Tudors or two-story traditional colonial homes. These owner-occupies homes are well-maintained and the residents enjoy minimal traffic in their community. There is a direct bus route available to the downtown area, and the biking and walking trails lead residents to St. Anthony Parkway or along the river – combining the feel of city life and country charm. The neighborhood used to be the site of a shallow lake, named Lake Sandy, but is now the site of a sprinkling of wetlands.
For those looking to get out and enjoy the recreational opportunities the 18-hole Columbia Golf Course, or check out the archery, ski trails, sledding hills, rugby field, an off-leash dog run, tennis courts, wading pool, or playground within this community.
The homes of Columbia Park are in large part brick Tudors or two-story traditional colonial homes. These owner-occupies homes are well-maintained and the residents enjoy minimal traffic in their community. There is a direct bus route available to the downtown area, and the biking and walking trails lead residents to St. Anthony Parkway or along the river – combining the feel of city life and country charm. The neighborhood used to be the site of a shallow lake, named Lake Sandy, but is now the site of a sprinkling of wetlands.
For those looking to get out and enjoy the recreational opportunities the 18-hole Columbia Golf Course, or check out the archery, ski trails, sledding hills, rugby field, an off-leash dog run, tennis courts, wading pool, or playground within this community.
- Beautiful park and golf course
- Near public transportation
- Seclusion from the rest of the city
- little traffic
- Lack of nightlife
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees