Would you rather live in Littleton or Lakewood? Why?
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Mary Beth Bonacci
PRO 2yrs+
I've lived in both, and I have to say that both have their advantages and disadvantages. I grew up in Lakewood and I live here now, and although I agree that it doesn't have the same "charm" as downtown Littleton, I really like the easy access to central Denver. When I lived in Littleton I felt too isolated. But that was when I was younger and had a social life that was largely based in the central part of town. Now that I'm older, I do find myself spending more time in Littleton, and may move back there someday. You can't really go wrong either way. And you can always be somebody like me who goes back and forth between them :)
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Heidi Schaffnit
PRO 2yrs+
Lakewood provides nice access to Downtown Denver and to the mountains, but I agree with BroncoFan...Traffic doesn't flow real well in many areas, especially during rush hour. Also, I find that Lakewood doesn't have that one "special thing" that people automatically think of when Lakewood is mentioned unlike areas such as Arvada, Littleton, Golden, etc. which have "downtown" areas that people like to visit and shop in. Many people find Belmar, a newer outdoor mall/shopping area, appealing but with the exception of those who live nearby and are familiar with the area, that shopping area hasn't yet caught on with those who live outside of the area.
So with all that being said, I am personally more drawn to Littleton. Many areas have nice views of the foothills. Here, you find easy access to Colorado Highway C470 and to Santa Fe. There are miles of biking/hiking trails, plus parts of the Platte River. Downtown Littleton draws people to its cute shops and restaurants and the light rail also helped make it more popular. When Southwest Plaza Mall opened, it was said it was "the largest mall west of the Mississippi" and with the expansion of the shopping surrounding the mall, it became a popular shopping area destination. Then, with the addition of Clement Park, more people came out to enjoy Littleton. Also, the older part of Littleton (in Arapahoe County) has some charm/appeal due to the maturity of the landscaping and all the parks and gained popularity with Downtown Littleton opening more appealing stores and restaurants. I also love the Aspen Grove Outdoor Mall. With all the flowers and it not having actual streets going through it, I find it a much more appealing area to hang out than Belmar.
Which area is right for you really depends upon what it is you're looking for in an area.
So with all that being said, I am personally more drawn to Littleton. Many areas have nice views of the foothills. Here, you find easy access to Colorado Highway C470 and to Santa Fe. There are miles of biking/hiking trails, plus parts of the Platte River. Downtown Littleton draws people to its cute shops and restaurants and the light rail also helped make it more popular. When Southwest Plaza Mall opened, it was said it was "the largest mall west of the Mississippi" and with the expansion of the shopping surrounding the mall, it became a popular shopping area destination. Then, with the addition of Clement Park, more people came out to enjoy Littleton. Also, the older part of Littleton (in Arapahoe County) has some charm/appeal due to the maturity of the landscaping and all the parks and gained popularity with Downtown Littleton opening more appealing stores and restaurants. I also love the Aspen Grove Outdoor Mall. With all the flowers and it not having actual streets going through it, I find it a much more appealing area to hang out than Belmar.
Which area is right for you really depends upon what it is you're looking for in an area.
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Littleton! I have never been able to put my finger on it as to why, but Lakewood has just never appealed to me. Except for a few years in Dallas, I've been a lifelong resident of Colorado and have had many friends live in Lakewood but I just don't care for it. The main arteries into town are always crowded and I hate traffic. I'd much rather be in just about any of the other areas surrounding the foothills north or south of Lakewood. There are some beautiful new homes in Green Mountain even, but I wouldn't want to live there. So I guess my short answer is I can't tell you why. I just never cared for it that much.
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You know, after thinking about it, I just don't feel a fun or enthusiastic vibe in Lakewood. It always seems kind of drab to me.
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I agree about the drab vibe of Lakewood, for me its the highways--too many roads and traffic like you said.
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