I hope the people of Lyons recover their lovely town...
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I drove up the S St. Vrain today from Lyons and was amazed at how different the river is now, huge boulders have moved and fallen. Many of our favorite sitting rocks are totally different. The river was frozen and we walked up and down on the ice it was beautiful and shocking
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Kathy Crowder
PRO 2yrs+
Please remember Lyon's businesses when you are doing your holiday shopping this year. They could use our support!
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I've been visiting Lyons once a week for a yoga class and while its quieter and messier (still debris in some places) the town seems pretty much like it was before the flood. The river looks way different though, wider and gravel heaps and tree debris
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Kathy Crowder
PRO 2yrs+
The efforts to restore utilities is moving faster than expected. 1000 residents may be able to come back this weekend! The town is still closed to the public but there are incredible efforts to support Lyons. http://www.timescall.com/news/colorado-flood/ci_24358518/thousand-residents- Joe's in Longmont is opening their restaurant to help Lyons area restaurantshttp://www.timescall.com/business/ci_24357579/joes-longmont-host-flood-relief-dinners-lyons-restaurants There are amazing people who are helping with the clean up efforts, coming from all over the country! If you would like to support those efforts and the people of Lyons here is a link to the Lyons community foundation
There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about Lyons.
There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about Lyons.
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