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Monte Vista Ct, Martinez

37.9878572490232 -122.099674253644

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Unranked Streets in Martinez

Alhambra Ave

"Good Neigbhorhood South of Highway 4"
37.9833411367095 -122.119163283598

Arnold Dr

"A Pretty Average Suburban Stripmall Area"
37.9932039977439 -122.098788911181

C St

"Between the High School and the Football Field"
38.0052451325525 -122.132401205878

Estudillo St

"Old Bungalows, St. Catherine's and Starbucks"
38.0095553375109 -122.129429936134

F St

"Older Spot with Schools for All Ages"
38.0011026276807 -122.132535456326

Fig Tree Ln

"Typical Martinez Pleasantness"
37.9940459152797 -122.095554398831

Green St

"From Pill Hill to the Court House"
38.0146985406957 -122.138082311527

Howe Rd

"Omellets, Chainsaws and a Big Refinery"
38.0039651931918 -122.110842470663

Hull Ln

"Nice Suburban Street Close to Movie Theater"
37.9921840175793 -122.106382656129

I-- 680

38.0301322770626 -122.117164753639

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