Safe shopping on Canal
Okay, let's settle this once and for all: the so-called Prada and Gucci bags being hawked on Canal are NOT real Prada and Gucci bags.
People! Let's do the math, shall we? How many people, estimated, can you find on Canal Street on any given day, holding up little laminated signs with photos of handbags and chanting the mantra "Gucci Gucci Gucci Prada." ? Probably more than 500. How many bags do you think these people, per person, have stashed somewhere, in the back of one of the shops, or in a car, with the motor running, in case the cops come along? More than 500?
Now, realistically, how many handbags do you think Prada or Gucci manufactures in a year, and how many of those authentic handbags could possibly have been stolen on the way from manufacture to the real Gucci and Prada stores? Do you think either of these designers would be able to remain operational if such astonishing quantities of their products were being stolen on a daily basis?
Lastly, do you think that you, person X will be the one lucky fool among thousands of other fools visiting Canal Street who is approached by a Canal Street vendor, who really does have an actual, authentic Prada or Gucci bag he wants to sell you for less than $30, stolen or not?
They're FAKES, people! Let's exercise some common sense!
So long as you're clear on this piece of reality, shopping at Canal Street is great fun. Buying a "Gucci" bag from a shifty-eyed vendor is also great fun. I enjoyed driving down the price of my handbag and making my vendor increasingly nervous, until he practically threw the bag at me for $15 and took off. I'm very proud of it.
However, I've heard reported (on this website!) of a girl that actually got in the back seat of a car filled with such bags, in hopes of purchasing what she thought might be authentic bags that were stolen and being offered on the cheap. Can anything be more stupid? You'd get into a stranger's car for the sake of your own greed? If you think these people are capable of stealing, why would you not think further to the fact that they'd be capable of stealing from you once you get into their car? What's stopping such people from pulling a gun on you? For goodnesakes, enjoy shopping at Canal Street, but use your head.
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of StreetAdvisor.
People! Let's do the math, shall we? How many people, estimated, can you find on Canal Street on any given day, holding up little laminated signs with photos of handbags and chanting the mantra "Gucci Gucci Gucci Prada." ? Probably more than 500. How many bags do you think these people, per person, have stashed somewhere, in the back of one of the shops, or in a car, with the motor running, in case the cops come along? More than 500?
Now, realistically, how many handbags do you think Prada or Gucci manufactures in a year, and how many of those authentic handbags could possibly have been stolen on the way from manufacture to the real Gucci and Prada stores? Do you think either of these designers would be able to remain operational if such astonishing quantities of their products were being stolen on a daily basis?
Lastly, do you think that you, person X will be the one lucky fool among thousands of other fools visiting Canal Street who is approached by a Canal Street vendor, who really does have an actual, authentic Prada or Gucci bag he wants to sell you for less than $30, stolen or not?
They're FAKES, people! Let's exercise some common sense!
So long as you're clear on this piece of reality, shopping at Canal Street is great fun. Buying a "Gucci" bag from a shifty-eyed vendor is also great fun. I enjoyed driving down the price of my handbag and making my vendor increasingly nervous, until he practically threw the bag at me for $15 and took off. I'm very proud of it.
However, I've heard reported (on this website!) of a girl that actually got in the back seat of a car filled with such bags, in hopes of purchasing what she thought might be authentic bags that were stolen and being offered on the cheap. Can anything be more stupid? You'd get into a stranger's car for the sake of your own greed? If you think these people are capable of stealing, why would you not think further to the fact that they'd be capable of stealing from you once you get into their car? What's stopping such people from pulling a gun on you? For goodnesakes, enjoy shopping at Canal Street, but use your head.
Reminds me of the time when a friend was visiting me from the U.K. over Easter. She went shopping to Canal Street whilst I was at work and returned late in the evening with her booty which consisted of two 'genuine' Louis Vuitton bags. She excitedly related the events of her day as she told me that she had happened to meet a vendor on Canal who had invited her a 'privileged buyer' to check out his wares in a private room located in one of the decrepit buildings located in Chinatown. She had happily gone along as she was desperate to get her hands on some genuine LV stuff and had enthusiastically parted with £ 500 for the two bags which she believed were genuine though probably stolen stock. When I first heard her story I was alarmed at her stupidity at following a stranger into a room where anything could have happened to her though I was genuinely happy to see that she was unharmed . However I couldn't help puncturing her bubble somewhat by letting her know that she had indeed paid too much for what were high quality copies of the real thing for there was no way that any vendor would have sold her two genuine Louis Vuitton bags for a mere 500 quid even if they were stolen for a single LV bag often costs more than £ 1000 ! What is about these 'it' bags that turn a grown woman's brains into mush?
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There are many bargains you can get on Canal Street if you look good enough. However, one word of caution. There have been vendors that got caught selling counterfeit stuff on Canal St., and are now off the street permanently. The best way to shop is to be wise about it. Research what you want first so you know what to expect. If someone offers you a bag or any item that looks real enough but the price tag is low, a red flag should go off in your head. Don't bother. Instead, walk away.
Just use street smarts and understand what is going on around you. As I said before, there are bargains you can get. You just have to look for them.
Just use street smarts and understand what is going on around you. As I said before, there are bargains you can get. You just have to look for them.
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I haven't been on Canal Street for a few weeks because I am not a fan, but I am relatively certain that vendors don't sell fake designer bags out in the open near as often as they used to. What you see now is a lot of vendors who stand on the crowded sidewalks telling shoppers that they have a stash of illegal designer impostors somewhere, and you have to follow them to get one. I've never done it myself, not being a big fan of copyright infringement or products of child labor.
Fake bags are usually eye sores and they are always really low quality - just like majority of stuff for sale on Canal. Here's a good article to read before heading out to Canal St:
Fake bags are usually eye sores and they are always really low quality - just like majority of stuff for sale on Canal. Here's a good article to read before heading out to Canal St:
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Yes, thank you BroadwayBK. Not only are they fakes but they are so obviously fakes, and although I made it a small bloodsport to buy a "Prada" for $15 just to see if I could, I'm rather embarrassed to wear it around. And the fact that they don't sell out in the open, but talk people into going with them to some VIP stash around the corner, only helps sell foolish people on the idea that these merchandise might be real.
There was a raid in early December and since then these kinds of "vendors" have become much more discrete, but you can bet they're still around.
I have to disagree with hhusted and insist that there are absolutely NO bargains to be found on Canal, only a lot of cheap scams.
There was a raid in early December and since then these kinds of "vendors" have become much more discrete, but you can bet they're still around.
I have to disagree with hhusted and insist that there are absolutely NO bargains to be found on Canal, only a lot of cheap scams.
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Wow, great article Broadway BK. Thanks for that.
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Jason Spencer
So is anything safe to buy on Canal?
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Actually, I have to agree with Uraniumfish, because I went down there lately and had to leave. The pushing and shoving that goes on. People showing no manners as they bump into you. You are right about the bargains. Since many vendors were told to get off the street, there are no bargains these days. Just a bunch of immigrants trying to sell you their junk, if you want to call it that.
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@JVS I wouldn't say that things aren't safe to buy, just that they are low quality and generally aren't worth much.
@Uraniumfish Great - I'm glad you enjoyed it/ read it!
@Uraniumfish Great - I'm glad you enjoyed it/ read it!
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@JVS I, unlike the other forum posters love shopping on Canal Street maybe because I am a bit of an 'Asiaphile '.. as I mentioned in of my neighborhood reviews actually Canal Street has quiet a few decent shopping options . If you by any chance are looking for eye glasses and frames you should try stores like Eye Solutions at Mott Street. I have had first hand experience with this store and cant tell you how great it is. We were directed there by my husband's colleagues after his eyeglasses were messed up by a 'tony ' establishment in the West Village who actually advanced his prescription so that they could bill him substantially more for his glasses though he was not able to see at all with the said glasses. The mess was finally rectified by Eye solutions who went on to redo all his eyeglasses subsequently.
Aside from eye glasses I also go to Canal Street to shop for Asian groceries, exotic fruits, plants and even souvenir T-shirts. No not those 5 for $10 ones that most of the vendors sell but better quality ones which are sold by a no name t-shirt store on Mott Street.
Aside from eye glasses I also go to Canal Street to shop for Asian groceries, exotic fruits, plants and even souvenir T-shirts. No not those 5 for $10 ones that most of the vendors sell but better quality ones which are sold by a no name t-shirt store on Mott Street.
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How about that. Eye care on Mott St. Maybe they can give me a great deal on my eyeglasses. Do they also give eye examinations? I need that to.
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Latest news, you guys: the fake designer bag and watch vendors are out in full force again. That didn't take long. I was walking by Canal last night, and they were selling the old-fashioned way: out in the open, from wheelie carts stacked with bags.
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@ JVS I can imagine that if you're visiting NYC, Canal street can be quite a lot of fun, with its crazy, busy open-air bazaar atmosphere. But if you live here the place can be exhausting. As a student I was always going to Pearl Paint, the legendary art supplies place on Canal, and really hated the thought of getting pushed and shoved on my way there.
All the merchandise is "safe" to buy, so long as you have no illusions about its pedigree. what's silly is when people start believing that they actually scored a Rolex down there. Puh-lease.
There are a lot of gold and jewelry shops on Canal, and I'd be curious to find out if they're reputable. My guess is yes, in the bigger shops, but I'm not in the market to buy or sell gold so I wouldn't know much.
A couple of the Asian specialty grocery stores are fantastic, though. It's where I stock up on frozen dumplings and wasabe and such for making Asian food at home.
All the merchandise is "safe" to buy, so long as you have no illusions about its pedigree. what's silly is when people start believing that they actually scored a Rolex down there. Puh-lease.
There are a lot of gold and jewelry shops on Canal, and I'd be curious to find out if they're reputable. My guess is yes, in the bigger shops, but I'm not in the market to buy or sell gold so I wouldn't know much.
A couple of the Asian specialty grocery stores are fantastic, though. It's where I stock up on frozen dumplings and wasabe and such for making Asian food at home.
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If the fake designer bag and watch vendors are out again, I better plan to stay away. Actually, I am not thrilled with being around Canal St. It is way too crowded. People are constantly bumping into people. The last time I was down there, I had to wait for a friend. I just went to the end of the walkway, right at the edge where it meets the road and stayed there. Eventually my friend came and we went about our business. Most of the time if there are a huge crowd of people, I'll just walk on the street near the curb.
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The fake designer bag and watch vendors never seem to go anywhere for very long - it's not easy to shut down a vast and complicated system like the one behind illegal knockoffs. Plus there is a high demand for such wares down on Canal Street, thanks in part to the large tourist population wandering the area.
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A friend who works in high fashion circles told me the story of an opening of a Luis Vuitton shop somewhere in Europe. Apparently the store manager noticed that the wife of some diplomat--maybe Bulgaria? Don't remember--that she was wearing a FAKE Luis Vuitton bag. The manager got so angry that he kicked her out of his store. It seems that the poor woman didn't know it was fake. Another Canal Street victim, perhaps?
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There was a really fascinating article some years back on gang violence in Chinatown I remember reading in either NY Mag, the New Yorker, etc (something at the doctor's office...) Does this ring a bell for anyone? I'd love to reread it!
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This is one reason I shy away from Canal St. I don't like the crowds and plus, they really don't have anything I want. I am not into Chinese food, so I don't really care about going there, unless I absolutely have to.
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Don't remember the article, but back in those student days I mentioned, a photographer friend had a little run-in with some members of the Chinese mafia. Seems he was innocently photographing fish vendors or something, and a fairly tough-looking guy came up to him, snatched his camera, ripped out the film, and then gave it back saying he'd better not show his face there again and he was done taking pictures for the day.
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Wow. I saw that scene in a movie once. But not in real life. Incredible. I guess there are gangs from different cultures. I always considered the mafia to be Italians. But after reading about the history of mafia groups, I found it is not just Italians who were into the mafia. According to history, Jews and Chinese also had their own mafia. Sometimes I find history to be stimulating, while other times I find it to be a waste of time.
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@Uraniumfish How is the article you mentioned related to the story?
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@Uraniumfish Uh... nevermind. I keep not scrolling up far enough and missing things. : D
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Has any person witnessed any incidents with tourists or New Yorkers, who go down to Canal St? I haven't been down there in a while so I thought I'd asked.
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Was just at Canal Street again today, getting on the train after a fairly stylish thing I went to in SoHo, and as I was maneuvering around all those hordes of people peddling stuff ("Handbags, miss?") and getting shoved and annoyed out of my good mood, I thought..."Ah, yes, this is indeed Canal Street." Sigh.
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@uraniumfish when I am in Canal Street over a weekend I dont walk along Canal or even Center Streets but walk parallel along Baxter, Bayard, Pell and other streets which are relatively less crowded. I do love going to Chinatown for dim sum so have learned to battle with the hordes of tourists who get so excited about the fake bags,dvds, watches and what nots..
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I have to say this, my daughter bought her boyfriend a "fake" rolex on Canal for 75 bucks, it looked great and we thought what the heck....he went to have a the battery replaced and told the lady it was a fake, she said sir, I can't change the battery, I don't have a rolex key, you have to take it to a dealer...he said no, its fake, she said no, it isn't. So who knows???? He is certainly a happy guy!
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@boogalloo that's totally awesome!
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