24 hours
It's the city that never sleeps - well, that's what they say, anyway. What's your favorite 24 hour spot?
The one I seem to end up at the most is 7A, but not because I love it. It's just...there. And going there has more to do with finishing up a night of bar hopping than anything.
Currently I'm in the market for a place where I can go and sit with my computer all night. Now that the weather is tolerable again I'd like to expand my horizons as far as my home office goes! And I'd really like to know if there's such a place to go in Brooklyn.
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of StreetAdvisor.
The one I seem to end up at the most is 7A, but not because I love it. It's just...there. And going there has more to do with finishing up a night of bar hopping than anything.
Currently I'm in the market for a place where I can go and sit with my computer all night. Now that the weather is tolerable again I'd like to expand my horizons as far as my home office goes! And I'd really like to know if there's such a place to go in Brooklyn.
Waverly, Cafeteria and French Roast are all open 24 / 7!
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@JenMac Oh, yeah, I know French Roast pretty well...had forgotten about that place.
I just found out that the cafe I had posted about earlier, Esperanto Cafe, has closed. Yaffa Cafe is another great late-night place, and in case you expect to have more interesting company than just your laptop, they will give you a free condom upon request.
I don't know any late-night places in Brooklyn, though.
I just found out that the cafe I had posted about earlier, Esperanto Cafe, has closed. Yaffa Cafe is another great late-night place, and in case you expect to have more interesting company than just your laptop, they will give you a free condom upon request.
I don't know any late-night places in Brooklyn, though.
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Haha! But you have to do the askin'...although a complimentary condom in lieu of a fortune cookie with the bill would be an excellent addition to one's tab! And give rise to some pretty awful "big spender" "hefty tip" etc puns...
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@ajadedidealist Yaffa used to just have a bowl of condoms at the cash register. You could help yourself without asking. Maybe they instituted the ask policy because too many people got grabby (or way to optimistic about their prospects) and grabbed too many at the same time.
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@BroadwayBK Here are some answers to your question about Brooklyn cafes:
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I remember Yaffa cafe well from my partying in NYC days.. nowadays however we seem to land up at Smith and Wollenskys grill which I think shuts at 2am or later...
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There's always Kellogg's Diner! Ahahahaha. Grand Morelo's has fantastic chorizo burritos and they are open 24/ 7.
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@DBlack Thanks..that's awesome.
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@JenMac I am not going to bring my laptop to Kellogg's! Something tells me they don't have wifi, anyway.
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...and even if they do, I do not want to hang around a bunch of drunken hipsters at 5am.
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Is there ever a good time to hang around drunken hipsters, @BroadwayBK?
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@Ajadedidealist: I don't like hanging around drunks, no matter what their ages may be. Since I don't drink, I do not go into bars. Therefore, I avoid drunks as much as possible.
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The only good time to be around anyone drunk...is when you are also drunk! Duh.
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@ajadedidealist Probably only if you are a) a hipster and b) drunk. I'm guessing.
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True - nothing more boring than being the only sober person in a room!
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@ajadedidealist I second that...
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Well, I dunno . . .being around stoned people when you're not may take the ticket on annoying situations. And, there's always those pesky crack addicts that annoy my sober time too :)
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@Ajadedidealist: Well, I guess that means I am a boring person since I do not drink. But I would rather be boring than be a drinker. Drinking often leads to alcoholism, especially for those who are prone to it, or have the disease of alcoholism.
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@hhusted True but if you know your limits and moderate your consumption you need not turn into a lush every time you drink...
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I don't think drinking OFTEN leads to alcoholism... not saying that it doesn't happen but come on. Fine, it's a common problem but not everyone that drinks is going to have a huge problem.
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@Uptowngirl: That is true for those who have the willpower to stop. Unfortunately, not all people can do that. Therefore, they end up drunk.
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@NeverSleeps: I didn't say everybody who drinks will end up an alcoholic. I said that those who are prone to it will stand a greater chance of going in that direction. I have heard of cases where some people took up drinking and before too long they became alcoholics. So it does happen.
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You said it often happens. Especially if you're prone to it. And obviously it does happen. But often?
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My friends from college and I always used to say we were "alcoholists" not "alcoholics." It was a movement: not a problem. :)
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@NeverSleeps: You should attend an AA meeting sometime. You would hear many stories of people, who thought they could handle a couple of drinks, but ended up getting drunk, only to discover that they turned into alcoholics. So yes, lots of drinking can often lead to alcoholism. I did not say one or two drinks does. I said a lot of heavy drinking does.
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@JenMac: Alcoholism is not a movement, It is often a disease that often skips generations. But is passed on from one family member to another. You can be born with the trait of alcoholism and not know it until you reached a certain time in your life when you suddenly start craving alcohol on a daily basis. You basically can't live without it.
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People in AA meetings are alcoholics!!! I'm not saying it doesn't happen - I'm saying it doesn't happen to everyone who picks up an alcoholic beverage. I'm saying that "often" is an overstatement. You said it often leads to alcoholism... jeez: "Drinking often leads to alcoholism, especially for those who are prone to it, or have the disease of alcoholism."
But anyway... I'm tired of arguing such a boring point. I said from the beginning I wasn't denying there is a such thing as alcoholism.. just that it's not rampant. I'm done.
But anyway... I'm tired of arguing such a boring point. I said from the beginning I wasn't denying there is a such thing as alcoholism.. just that it's not rampant. I'm done.
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Dang, how did my innocent thread turn into a debate about the prevalence of alcoholism? This says that most drinkers in America are moderate or occasional drinkers: http://www.acde.org/common/Alcohol.htm
It also says that there are about 10 to 15 million alcoholics in the US, about 4.5 of which are young people. Apparently alcohol is the leading killer of people between 15 and 24 years of age in the US. Who knew...
So, okay. That study says half of the US population ages 12 and up are drinkers. What's that, about 100m people or so (as a really sketchy estimate)? So about 8 to10 per cent of drinkers have an issue then? I don't know if that's substantial or not, honestly.
It also says that there are about 10 to 15 million alcoholics in the US, about 4.5 of which are young people. Apparently alcohol is the leading killer of people between 15 and 24 years of age in the US. Who knew...
So, okay. That study says half of the US population ages 12 and up are drinkers. What's that, about 100m people or so (as a really sketchy estimate)? So about 8 to10 per cent of drinkers have an issue then? I don't know if that's substantial or not, honestly.
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hhusted: I was making a joke, or referring to a joke I made in college, rather. I am well aware of what constitutes an alcoholic as well as any other chemical dependancy, gambling addiction, narcissism, bi-polar manic depression, and so on and so on. You aren't the only one in this forum with an interest / education in behavioral studies.
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