Quesada Ave, Bayview
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Quesada Ave
"Changing street in a changing area..."
Quesada at 3rd Street is along the "new" version of 3rd Street, thanks to the opening of the Muni light rail along 3rd. Installation of the light rail has significantly improved access to downtown San Francisco for all of us Bayview residents. Now it's possible to take BART to San Francisco from the East Bay, transfer to the light rail on King Street and then ride all the way to the 49ers games! Quesada is one of the "alphabet" residential streets (they run in alphabetical order - Palou, Quesada, Revere, etc.) that intersect 3rd Street in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in The City.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees