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- Childcare
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- Internet Access
- Medical Facilities
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- Professionals
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
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- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
- Childcare
"A growing community with amazing schools, great places to work, and easy access the Oklahoma City Area."
Edmond is a growing community of families, students, and young professionals. There are plenty of places to shop, eat, play, study, worship, relax, etc. Different living spaces are available as well, like many acred lots, garden homes, condos/apartments, neighborhoods. Traffic isn't bad, especially when compared to larger communities like Dallas. Oklahoma City is a quick 10 min drive, Dallas is 3hrs away, and Wichita is 2hrs away. Edmond enjoys all seasons.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Hipsters
- Students