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"Gibraltar – Home to the Gibraltar Trade Center"
There are only two reasons to go to Gibraltar: the trade center and decent haunted houses around Halloween. Although it is not a large city, or heavily populated, I find it hard wrapping my mind around the fact that people actually live here. It’s just one of those places where you go when you need something, but don’t realize that there are actually permanent residents.
That being said, the median salary is higher than most of Michigan so there must be some nice neighborhoods there that I just haven’t stumbled upon.
The good news about living in Gibraltar is that I-75 cuts straight through the city, and it puts you about halfway between Detroit and Toledo, so you can work just about anywhere. Just be careful because the State Troopers sit on the highway where the speed limit changes at S. Rockwood.
This is a very safe area, and perfect for students if you can find affordable housing, as it is within driving distance to many universities and colleges.
As mentioned, the Gibraltar Trade Center is a main attraction, although it is technically in Taylor. This is a bargain-hunter’s paradise for everything from antiques to contemporary furniture to jewelry to apparel. There are even 11 tattoo parlors in the center, as well as a comic store, computer repair and more!
That being said, the median salary is higher than most of Michigan so there must be some nice neighborhoods there that I just haven’t stumbled upon.
The good news about living in Gibraltar is that I-75 cuts straight through the city, and it puts you about halfway between Detroit and Toledo, so you can work just about anywhere. Just be careful because the State Troopers sit on the highway where the speed limit changes at S. Rockwood.
This is a very safe area, and perfect for students if you can find affordable housing, as it is within driving distance to many universities and colleges.
As mentioned, the Gibraltar Trade Center is a main attraction, although it is technically in Taylor. This is a bargain-hunter’s paradise for everything from antiques to contemporary furniture to jewelry to apparel. There are even 11 tattoo parlors in the center, as well as a comic store, computer repair and more!
- Giibraltar Trade Center
- Centrally located
- Safe
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Country Lovers
You obviously do not know Gibraltar. The trade center is almost 15 minutes north of us and is a crappy flea market. The interstate doesn't run through Gibraltar as the city is located on the river and the lake. The interstate runs through brownstown and flatrock. Gibraltar is a wonderful community. We moved here about a year ago and love our quiet neighborhood that isnstill only 10 minutes from whatever we might need. We have the metropark and Marina for neighbors and enjoy the canals and islands nearby. We can enjoy a few hours of fishing minutes from our front door and most storms float right over us. The people are friendly and neighborly and we have made some good new friends since being here. So why not actually visit Gibraltar. Grab a slice from Galley or get a cone at DQ before you comment on what it is like here
Well if you read the entire post, it says that the Gibraltar Trade Center is in Taylor. It also says that there may be some nice neighborhoods there that I simply haven't seen yet. I have been there, and I did not say one mean thing about it; so why so defensive? If you know the area so well, then perhaps you should write a more experienced review. Also, you can keep your slice and your DQ. I'm a vegan...I don't pollute my body with food derived from pain and suffering. Have a nice day.
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