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"Barely Hanging On"
Barclay is on of way too many neighborhoods in this country that were built for beauty but have now fallen on hard times. As you drive down the streets, you can’t help but feel a certain sense of tragedy when you see row after row of once elegant three story brownstone homes built during the late 1800s that have now fallen into disuse and disrepair. Streets that once hosted young families building a new future in the city are now known as hotbeds of gang violence and crime.
However, things may be improving. For one thing, the number of murders has dropped by over 50 percent since 2007. Residents are hoping that this trend will continue as the Housing Department develops more and more middle income style housing in the area and issues grants to encourage small businesses to move into the area. The first step of this project began in 2009 when two historic were converted to middle income style apartments.
Overall, Barclay might be a good neighborhood for someone used to an urban lifestyle and looking to invest in a property that will probably increase in value over the next decade. However, I would not recommend it for families with children or elderly people.
However, things may be improving. For one thing, the number of murders has dropped by over 50 percent since 2007. Residents are hoping that this trend will continue as the Housing Department develops more and more middle income style housing in the area and issues grants to encourage small businesses to move into the area. The first step of this project began in 2009 when two historic were converted to middle income style apartments.
Overall, Barclay might be a good neighborhood for someone used to an urban lifestyle and looking to invest in a property that will probably increase in value over the next decade. However, I would not recommend it for families with children or elderly people.
- inexpenisive
- crime
- decaying environment
Recommended for
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