Town Creek
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Great for
- Childcare
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Not great for
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
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Town Creek
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
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- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
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- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
- Childcare
"An excellent upper middle-class neighborhood in East Dallas"
The Town Creek subdivision in East Dallas is home to many upper-middle class families and professionals and students who live in apartments. The average mean value of a house here approaches $400,000 and most homes are roomy single family with finely manicured lawns. This neighborhood is close to some of the best that the city of Dallas has to offer.
The area is served by Dallas Area Rapid Transit, making commuting to almost any part of the city fast and easy. School-age children attend Dallas Independent Public Schools, which boasts some of the best magnet schools in all of the country. Just a few minutes away to the southeast of the neighborhood is White Rock Lake. Here you can sail, jog, bike, swim or have a relaxing picnic lunch. Next door to the lake is the Dallas Arboretum, 66 acres of tranquil gardens during the day and a great concert venue in the evening.
Crime in this part of Dallas has been on the rise lately, and is mainly concentrated around some of the cheaper apartments in the surrounding areas.
The Town Creek subdivision of East Dallas is an excellent choice for families with children who want to live in an attractive neighborhood that is not too pricey.
The area is served by Dallas Area Rapid Transit, making commuting to almost any part of the city fast and easy. School-age children attend Dallas Independent Public Schools, which boasts some of the best magnet schools in all of the country. Just a few minutes away to the southeast of the neighborhood is White Rock Lake. Here you can sail, jog, bike, swim or have a relaxing picnic lunch. Next door to the lake is the Dallas Arboretum, 66 acres of tranquil gardens during the day and a great concert venue in the evening.
Crime in this part of Dallas has been on the rise lately, and is mainly concentrated around some of the cheaper apartments in the surrounding areas.
The Town Creek subdivision of East Dallas is an excellent choice for families with children who want to live in an attractive neighborhood that is not too pricey.
- close to White Rock Lake and the Dallas Arboretum
- close to fine dining and shopping
- heavy traffic on adjacent roads during rush hour
- rising crime rates over the past two decades
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Students