8.0 out of 10

16th St, Downtown (Central Business District)

Ranked 3rd best street in Downtown (Central Business District)
39.7455701345881 -104.992702249904
Great for
  • Eating Out
  • Internet Access
  • Public Transport
  • Shopping Options
  • Clean & Green
Not great for
  • Parking
  • Peace & Quiet
Who lives here?
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees


5/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 4/5
  • Safe & Sound 3/5
  • Clean & Green 4/5
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5
  • Eating Out 5/5
  • Nightlife 4/5
  • Parks & Recreation 4/5
  • Shopping Options 5/5
  • Internet Access 5/5
  • Lack of Traffic 4/5
  • Parking 2/5
  • Public Transport 5/5

"Part of what makes Denver Great - Social, Cultural Venues - a whole street full!"

16th Street, more commonly called the 16th Street Mall is a great area to walk around, grab a drink, sit for dinner, shop, wander, and people watch. The 16th St Mall ride is free, and runs between the Broadway bus station and Union Station. It stops every block, so you just hop on and off at your leisure. At 16th and Arapahoe is my favorite venue to catch a show in all of Denver. Lannie's Clocktower Cabaret is in the basement of the Clock Tower, and is like stepping into a movie with it's plush booths and small, intimate setting with a small stage. In the summer time, there are pianos up and down the street, so you can just sit down and plunk out a tune! It's such a fun area of town and makes me grateful for the ways that Denver serves it's citizens :)
  • Public Pianos in the Street
  • Public Chess Boards
  • Street Performers
  • Busy
  • Parking
Ryan Yes, same Lannie. She doesn't perform there often, but take a look at http://lannies.com. They have so many great shows!
Ryan Never heard of it... but that's no surprise. I don't get out much and sort of live under a rock :)
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"Looking for culture, here you go"

The 16th street mall, is a street where you can find all sorts of dynamics of people. There are children, and families, couples, and people just wandering the street. Being able to walk in beautiful downtown Denver and see all different walks of lifes, and shop at the same time is a great thing. It can be pretty busy at times, but, that's just a part of the whole experience.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
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"Part of what makes Denver Great - Social, Cultural Venues - a whole street full!"
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"City park and denver zoo"
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"Street name not like the reall place but still loved it "
39.7444991387703 -104.993093757504

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