40th Ave Southwest, Fairmount Park
Ranked 1st best street in Fairmount Park
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40th Ave Southwest
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
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"Busy West Seattle Street"
One of the main thoroughfares for West Seattle, Fauntleroy Way is the main arterial to the ferry docks. Breaking off of the West Seattle freeway, the north end is lined with shops, restaurants and what seems like an overabundance of gas stations. The south end is green and pretty, with several homes along the way, but the deterrent is the traffic going to the ferry. Considered relatively safe, the area wouldn't necessarily be considered quiet though. Like most of West Seattle, housing is overinflated, especially for homes without a view. However, homes on the south end do have easy access to Lincoln Park, a nice big Seattle park on the water.
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40th Ave Southwest
"Yikes, this is a busy street!"
Fauntleroy is a main arterial in West Seattle and sustains a lot of traffic. While there are many residences on this street, both single and multi-family, I don't think this is a street I would choose to live on. Many people in West Seattle use this as their prime way to get off the peninsula and to the major freeways. It is also the primary way to get to ferry service. When the ferry lets off the increase in traffic is noticeable all along Fauntleroy. There is a major repaving project going on that is supposed to help calm traffic and provide more safe space for cyclists. It remains to be seen if this will really help. There are some positives such as access to buses and shopping/amenities so it is probably not a bad place if you rely on bus service to get around. You can pick up the express here to downtown. Definitely more of a street for single apartment dwellers and first time condo buyers.
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