4.3 out of 10

Allerton Ave, Laconia

Ranked 1st best street in Laconia
40.8653996254191 -73.8535813684777
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"Run down in recent years"

Allerton Avenue has probably seen better days, but it still offers residents a great deal of convenience and a decent atmosphere. The street is packed with businesses and small alleys off the street offer residents parking options. Roma Pizzeria, on Allerton is a great stop for an amazing slice of pizza. There are a number of great eating options in the area that will appeal to all different tastes. It is no longer the greatest neighborhood in the Bronx, but i've never felt unsafe either. It has several transportation options for commuters including the 2 train and several buses including the 8, 60 and 28.
Recommended for
  • Professionals

"On Allerton Avenue"

There’s really not a lot going on this street, though you will find various small businesses and things to do. I wasn’t very impressed and thought that the area was generally run down, but you might find more to like on other blocks nearby. All in all, an average street in the Bronx.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
location map

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"Run down in recent years"
40.8653996254191 -73.8535813684777

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