Arbor St, Glen Park
Ranked 4th best street in Glen Park
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Great for
- Neighborly Spirit
- Clean & Green
- Lack of Traffic
- Parks & Recreation
- Peace & Quiet
Not great for
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
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Arbor St
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Lack of Traffic
"Cozy little street"
As I was passing by Arbor Street, I felt that the residents there, strangely, had a lot to do, which isn’t a bad, it might mean that the residents there are very friendly. What I also found quite relaxing was the fact that there were really tall trees surrounding the houses and the street. It made me feel like if I were living here that I’d be at home. Going off from that, there are all kinds of houses on this street, from apartment complexes, to the typical San Francisco home, and big houses built on a hill. As you walk down Arbor Street you can get a good view of the valley every now then. Other than all this, there isn’t much to do on this street; you’ll have to go elsewhere to find things to do.
Arbor St
"A quiet residential street in Glen Park."
Arbor is a curved street in the Glen Park Area. It is a residential street. It is not very busy at all and is a very peaceful street. It is very safe in this neighborhood. It starts at Diamond and ends at Elk St. It runs right into Glen park. Glen Park has tennis courts, baseball fields, a basketball gym, a playground, and a canyon. The Glen Park Canyon is huge. It is a very popular place for jogging and walking dogs. It is close to a few businesses and stores at Bosworth and Diamond. Overall this street would be a very pleasant place to live at.