5.1 out of 10

Boston Ave, Barrio Logan

32.6938595815438 -117.130107360731
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  • Neighborly Spirit
  • Peace & Quiet
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3/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 2/5
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5

"Total ruckus, kinda bleak!"

Boston Avenue is one of those streets that a person doesn't go to unless it's out of necessity. I did my grocery shopping there because it was the closest shop to my house, and even then it was quite a drive. It's SO noisy and bleak out there. Scraggly trees and kinda rundown buildings. Plus, Interstate 5 runs parallel to Boston so there's all the tagging, noise and litter that goes along with that. Not the most beautiful area, to be polite. I was honestly shocked by it when I first drove there because San Diego is such a beautiful city with such beautiful weather. Neither of those things seemed to have permeated that area, though.
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