Covington Dr, Shrewsbury
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- Pest Free
- Clean & Green
- Lack of Traffic
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- Gym & Fitness
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- Neighborly Spirit
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Covington Dr
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
- Childcare
"Dont Judge A Book By Its Cover"
This whole town started going downhill several years ago. The people are rude and racism/ prejudice in general is a huge issue here. Tensions are constantly prevelant and for fun as far as "nightlife" goes the majority of kids go riding around yelling or throwing stuff or trying to start fights with kids that are walking by themselves. Constant assumptions of anyone not born and raised here are that one is a "baltimoron". There seems to be a lot of focus on hating everybody from everywhere else and then hating everybody that lives here that doesnt "fit in". And complaints about baltimore even though baltimore has nothing to do with how pathetic the quality of life in this town really is. Given the circumstances there should be no reason life is so low grade here other than the people themselves are just ignorant, inconsiderate, intolerant and overall intolerable. The majority is what most people would call "white trash" and confederate flags fly freely which draws even more tension from the "diversing population" as they would prefer it be termed. Live right next to 83 so you can either hear that or people blasting their poor choice in rap or country music on mount airy road at all times of night. As for kids, you can rest assured theyll never enjoy a normal football or basketball game or any way to safely stay in shape as long as they live here because people dont come outside here. They ride by in cars and try to run you over. Ive experienced literally thousands of ridiculous situations since i moved here from everything imaginable and the situation is just intolerable because you cant go anywhere without the same stuff happening, no matter who you are. People are cheap and cowardly that initiate trouble to so theres no way to ever catch them or defend yourself. Also plan on having your property vandalized for no real reason if you live here. It will happen at one point or another. Or you might just walk in on some hillbilly chewing tabacco in your shed or some wannabe smoking a blunt in your car you shamelessly left unlocked the night before. The only thing i like about this town and i repeat the ONLY thing is that i live near a wal mart. Even the traffic is bad for a small town because everybody pours in from a 20 mile radius and off of I-83 into the commercial zone, which by the way is another open invitation to trouble thanks to the generously diverse mix of intolerant and ignorant types of people that run into each other there thanks to it. And by ignorant i do mean they lack knowledge and experience and the ability to reason. THere's no arguing with people here, but there's no fighting them either. They just get their two cents in, wait til your not expecting it, screw you over, and run off thinking they have a purpose in life. Its sad, really. Everybody that lives in the surrounding areas hates this town as much as the people that i know that live here do. And its not even the people who live here, really, its the people from the surrounding areas coming thru here creating trouble because they dont like it. Before that commercial zone was built, i was told this was a nice, quiet area. There's not even a decent job market, its just cheap retail and fast food! So much for that. In 6 months, once my lease is up, GOOD RIDDANCE.