4.7 out of 10

Desbrosses St, Tribeca

Ranked 16th best street in Tribeca
40.7234648715554 -74.0098469492311
Great for
  • Eating Out
  • Gym & Fitness
  • Neighborly Spirit
  • Pest Free
  • Public Transport
Not great for
  • Nightlife
  • Parking
  • Shopping Options
  • Clean & Green
  • Cost of Living
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3/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 3/5
  • Safe & Sound 3/5
  • Clean & Green 2/5
  • Pest Free 3/5
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5
  • Eating Out 3/5
  • Nightlife 1/5
  • Parks & Recreation 2/5
  • Shopping Options 1/5
  • Gym & Fitness 3/5
  • Lack of Traffic 2/5
  • Parking 1/5
  • Cost of Living 2/5
  • Public Transport 3/5

"Just ok"

Desbrosses is a weird mix of residential and commercial buildings. It's not a terrible street to live on but it's definitely not the best in the neighborhood. And, the price tag is still very Tribeca. One bedrooms start at around $3500 / month on this street with little neighborhood vibe. But, most of the buildings have remodeled apartments so you won't be getting a shoddy dirtbox for that amount like you may be getting in Greenwich. What you lack is any sort of tree or quaint community energy. And, there aren't a ton of bars or restaurants on this street so there aren't people milling about after dark like there are in other pricier neighborhoods.
There are a couple of good restaurants on Desbrosses and they both have great views. Ponte's is a great Italian spot with the view of the Hudson and Tribeca rooftop . . well, it has a rooftop view and you can't really go wrong with that. I recommend both as far as food, energy, visual . . everything. They're great. But, that's about all this street has. I have a friend that has an office on this street and while her building is really cool, there's nothing surrounding it but traffic and commercial stuff. It's kind of hard to go pick up lunch on this street. Granted, Desbrosses is really close to a lot of streets that have a lot to offer. But, the street is so filled with big buildings and businesses that there isn't any ambience at all which is kind of a drag. Also, transportation is somewhat annoying. The train is close but crossing over to it is a pain in the neck. It's just ok in my opinion. For the price tag, I would live on a different street in the neighborhood unless I found an unforgettable apartment.
  • Cool buildings
  • A few good restaurants
  • No neighborhood feel
  • Expensive

"Industrial plans and residential living clash"

Industrial and residential meet to create an interesting and eclectic feel on Debrosses Street. Tribeca Rooftop is a party space that keeps things bumping to all hours of the night and a few more party spaces are planned for the street. It is becoming more lively, to the dismay of residents, so it's a spot to stop out and check out if you are in the area.

"Desbrosses St... Not So Much"

This street was completely uninteresting, and I'm kind of sad I expected more. For me, it was a residential street, but was kind of isolated. I didn't really like the vibe and had a bad experience with someone on the street when asking for directions to get off of it.

Not So Much.

Desbrosses Street is also a wonderful place to begin your journey into the Village. It is close to the following metros: C,E at Spring Street and the 1 at Canal. It is also accessible by many buses. Foot traffic is fairly heavy and I would recommend the street to just about anyone!
location map

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