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Duval St, Allston Brighton

42.3605272551908 -71.1405324331486

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Best Streets in Allston Brighton

"Quiet little residential street"
42.3419172112483 -71.1431099682525
"Welcome to Boston's student-land"
42.3490309228908 -71.1332209278961

Unranked Streets in Allston Brighton

Carol Ave

"Cheap place for college kids"
42.3452097941638 -71.1413714021681
"Very fancy and neat"
42.336408532054 -71.1626919874202

Egremont Rd

"rowdy on weekends"
42.3413181918701 -71.1429735730777

Lnn Park

"Away from the Hustle and Bustle of Boston"
42.3422242038182 -71.1597735586301

Market St

"Busy, congested street"
42.3545564033911 -71.1501243048173

Orkney Rd

"Definite pros, definite cons"
42.3371538523704 -71.149049446957
"Transient and Noisy"
42.3391808223631 -71.1513309660731

Waverly St

"ok neighborhood near Cambridge"
42.3607159238465 -71.1427930326761

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