East Lynn St, Montlake
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- Clean & Green
- Parks & Recreation
- Lack of Traffic
- Peace & Quiet
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East Lynn St
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- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Peace & Quiet
- Parks & Recreation
- Lack of Traffic
- Cost of Living
- Public Transport
- Schools
"Residential neighborhood between the highway and the park"
East Lynn Street dead-ends on both ends by Interstate 5 to the west and Interlaken Park to the east. A predominently residential neighborhood, residents enjoy short trips to downtown, Lake Union and I-5. Several large parks in the area also provide kids and adults with recreational and leisure areas, including Interlaken Park, Volunteer Park and Washinton Park Arboretum. Adults can also enjoy Broadmoor Golf Club just east of Interlaken Park. The highway traffic may be a little distracting for those living close to I-5, but the noise dies down the further east you go. Houses are nice, though pretty expensive. A trip to downtown takes less than 10 minutes, unless your traveling during morning or afternoon rush hours, which may see quite a bit of traffic congestion. The parks are the major draw for families moving into the area, but the proximity to the highway and downtown are pretty nice perks, as well.