Fisher Island Dr, Miami Beach
Ranked 2nd best street in Miami Beach
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Fisher Island Dr
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"Rules are Rules"
Your right it is where the haves escape..but you should know some of us actually live here year round. You want to pay 25,000 a year to become a member, and meet the Bushes that is on you. But living here means I'm paying for my house and there for have access to the golf course (to which I don't play) the shopping centers, all the water, and all that green green grass. It's a quietly dignified place and it's parties if you ever are invited are the classiest there are.
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- Retirees
Fisher Island Dr
"Where the Haves escape the Have Nots"
It's sort of tongue-in-cheek to review the street on Fisher Island. You can't get onto Fisher Island. I've been around here by boat, and I've seen it, but you're not allowed to actually dock unless you belong there. The only access to the island is by helicopter or boat; there's no bridge.
Fisher Island has the highest per capita income in the country. It's an artificial island, just across Government Cut from South Beach, where they built an exclusive community. Some of the wealthiest people in the country own houses here-- Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, and the Bushes.
It's set up so that there's a gorgeous golf course that takes up most of the island-- the whole center. Fisher Island Drive circles the golf course, and the huge houses are across the street from the golf course. They line three quarters; the other part is the marina. So Fisher Island Drive, on one side of the street, is golf course, and the other side is some of the most lavish houses in the country.
Fisher Island has the highest per capita income in the country. It's an artificial island, just across Government Cut from South Beach, where they built an exclusive community. Some of the wealthiest people in the country own houses here-- Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, and the Bushes.
It's set up so that there's a gorgeous golf course that takes up most of the island-- the whole center. Fisher Island Drive circles the golf course, and the huge houses are across the street from the golf course. They line three quarters; the other part is the marina. So Fisher Island Drive, on one side of the street, is golf course, and the other side is some of the most lavish houses in the country.