6.1 out of 10

Gravesend Neck Rd, Sheepshead Bay

Ranked 3rd best street in Sheepshead Bay
40.5961052582855 -73.9521419771379
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"On Neck Road"

This street, though not as busy and lively as the nearby streets, was more convenient, being that the Q train is located on this street. I really liked the look and feel of the neighborhood, and think that it is one of the finer sections of Brooklyn to reside in. You won't be hard-pressed to find some hardcre Brooklyn advocates in this section of the popular borough, and I do think that you should consider visiting this area on your next visit or apartment search in Brooklyn.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids

"Interesting name for this street.."

This area of Brooklyn is fairly quiet but still pretty well trafficked. This particular street is filled with many different kinds of people, and places to go, though the street itself I was pretty underwhelemded by. All in all, I think that this is a wonderful neighborhood for people looking to move to Brooklyn, though I think some of the nearby streets might have a bit more in terms of convenience, dining, shopping, residential options, etc.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
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"Nice neighborhood"
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"On Neck Road"
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"Quite and quant street with character"
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Ave X

"surprisingly dull street"
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"On Ford Street"
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Ave Y

"Not As Nice As The Other Avenues"
40.5907466281634 -73.9487287130957

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