Jewel St, Greenpoint
Ranked 7th best street in Greenpoint
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Great for
- Peace & Quiet
- Clean & Green
- Cost of Living
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
Not great for
- Gym & Fitness
- Shopping Options
- Public Transport
Who lives here?
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Professionals
- Hipsters
- Trendy & Stylish
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Jewel St
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
- Cost of Living
- Resale or Rental Value
- Public Transport
"Jewel Street: quiet, clean, safe - but not "happening""
Sure, there isn't a whole lot to do on this street. The street features your typical corner store bodega, but mostly this street is lined with row houses - and not the prettiest ones at that. However, as far as Brooklyn streets go, this is what I would consider a good one.
It's quiet, safe and clean - which makes it, in my book, a good street to live on. It's not going to attract even one tourist (another bullet point that makes it a good street in my book), obviously, but it is close enough to civilization to have appeal for your average twenty-something,and far enough away to have plenty of appeal for families - and that's who mostly resides on Jewel St.
This area is home to a lot of Polish residents as well as a lot of hipsters, so naturally there is a lot of good food Polish food to be found, as well as a lot of trendy bars (see: Manhattan Inn). Therefore, as long as you don't mind walking a bit (and you shouldn't, if you live in New York!), living on this street is perfect for those who enjoy going out, but like to come home to a quiet home.
Parking may be a problem for residents right on Jewel Street - but spaces are often found on the nearby Nassau Ave, or the somewhat deserted area on Jewel near Greenpoint Ave, which is home to some commercial-looking warehouses. I admit I am not a fan of parking near such buildings at night, but I have a friend who often parks there and hasn't had a problem because the neighborhood is so safe.
It's quiet, safe and clean - which makes it, in my book, a good street to live on. It's not going to attract even one tourist (another bullet point that makes it a good street in my book), obviously, but it is close enough to civilization to have appeal for your average twenty-something,and far enough away to have plenty of appeal for families - and that's who mostly resides on Jewel St.
This area is home to a lot of Polish residents as well as a lot of hipsters, so naturally there is a lot of good food Polish food to be found, as well as a lot of trendy bars (see: Manhattan Inn). Therefore, as long as you don't mind walking a bit (and you shouldn't, if you live in New York!), living on this street is perfect for those who enjoy going out, but like to come home to a quiet home.
Parking may be a problem for residents right on Jewel Street - but spaces are often found on the nearby Nassau Ave, or the somewhat deserted area on Jewel near Greenpoint Ave, which is home to some commercial-looking warehouses. I admit I am not a fan of parking near such buildings at night, but I have a friend who often parks there and hasn't had a problem because the neighborhood is so safe.
- Quiet street
- Not far from young/trendy nightlife/restaurant scene
- G train services the area
- Ugly aluminum siding on many of the homes
- Close to industrial warehouses
Recommended for
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Hipsters
- Trendy & Stylish
Jewel St
"A Jewel, A Street"
There is a lot of cheap food, but nothing really to do in the way of entertainment. I wasn't impressed and don't think you'll see this street on any tours of New York City anytime soon. It's fairly convenient
though and it is close to the metro! You'll find more in terms of conveniences, but nothing too interesting. The nearby streets have a lot to offer to in terms of entertainment though.
though and it is close to the metro! You'll find more in terms of conveniences, but nothing too interesting. The nearby streets have a lot to offer to in terms of entertainment though.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids