Judge St, Williamsburg
Ranked 47th best street in Williamsburg
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Great for
- Cost of Living
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
- Peace & Quiet
- Pest Free
Not great for
- Gym & Fitness
- Clean & Green
- Eating Out
- Neighborly Spirit
- Nightlife
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Hipsters
- Students
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Judge St
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Gym & Fitness
- Lack of Traffic
- Parking
- Cost of Living
- Public Transport
"Not bad but not my favorite"
I could really go either way about Judge street. It's a few streets away from where I lived when I lived in Willy and it's a fine street. It's a couple of blocks away from all of the bars and restaurants on Graham street. And, since there's nothing actually on Judge, the street is a bit quieter than Graham. But, Graham's not a crazy loud street so I kind of liked that there's a little bit more going on at night. Judge doesn't feel quite as safe as a street like Graham simply because of the lack of people walking on it. And, anything across Bushwick seems just a little bit shadier to me.
It's not a bad street though. It's close to all of the bars and restaurants, close to Cooper Park, and a few blocks away from the L train so getting into Manhattan is pretty easy. The apartments look, roughly, the same as they do on any other street in the neighborhood: mostly older three to four story walk ups mixed in with a couple of newer "condo" buildings. And, the rent is pretty comparable to other streets: it's around $1800 / month or so for a one bedroom in one of the walkups. You definitely get more space around here for your money than you would around Bedford or even Lorimer. And, the street is a mix of longtime residents and the younger more hipster crowd, leaning more toward the hipster side. But, for some reason, Judge just looks a little bit shoddier than other streets in the area. Maybe it's less trees or that the buildings aren't taken care of to the level that others are, but it's just a little shifty. I feel that because the rent is exactly the same around Graham, I would rather live on the other side of Bushwick Ave. There's more to do directly around you and it's just a little bit safe feeling.
It's not a bad street though. It's close to all of the bars and restaurants, close to Cooper Park, and a few blocks away from the L train so getting into Manhattan is pretty easy. The apartments look, roughly, the same as they do on any other street in the neighborhood: mostly older three to four story walk ups mixed in with a couple of newer "condo" buildings. And, the rent is pretty comparable to other streets: it's around $1800 / month or so for a one bedroom in one of the walkups. You definitely get more space around here for your money than you would around Bedford or even Lorimer. And, the street is a mix of longtime residents and the younger more hipster crowd, leaning more toward the hipster side. But, for some reason, Judge just looks a little bit shoddier than other streets in the area. Maybe it's less trees or that the buildings aren't taken care of to the level that others are, but it's just a little shifty. I feel that because the rent is exactly the same around Graham, I would rather live on the other side of Bushwick Ave. There's more to do directly around you and it's just a little bit safe feeling.
- More space for your money
- Close to bars, restaurants and the train
- Not the safest feeling street in the area
Recommended for
- Retirees
- Hipsters
- Students
Judge St
"On Judge Street"
There isn't very much happening on this short street, but luckily the nearby streets have a lot to offer in terms of food and businesses. There weren't any businesses on this street, and it did have some residential offerings. The closest metro station is the L train at Grand Street. All in all, this street has its convenience and is in a nice neighborhood.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Families with kids