Longley Ave Northwest, Knight Park / Howell Station
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Great for
- Eating Out
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
- Neighborly Spirit
- Medical Facilities
Not great for
- Childcare
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
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Longley Ave Northwest
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Pest Free
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
- Cost of Living
- Resale or Rental Value
- Public Transport
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
- Childcare
"Unbeatable Intown Combination"
Close to downtown and minutes from great restaurants (Bacchanalia, JCT, FAB), and nightlife (Door 44, Vision, Northside Tavern and all of Midtown), while in a semi-sleepy residential neighborhood. We cannot believe the sense of community that we feel here. It sometime feels like an episode of that cartoon "King of the Hill" in that you cannot walk down the street without being invited for a beer in some neighbor's front yard. Most houses are filled with 30-something couples with one or two small children. There are a few houses with Tech students, but this is a great neighborhood that seems to improve each month.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Families with kids