Questions in Millerton
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Recently Answered Questions in Millerton
Does Millerton have any local fireworks displays at any time of year?
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What's the one most interesting thing about the village of Millerton?
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Are there tax preparer offices located in Millerton? Anyone recommended?
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What's the closest lake to Millerton with a nice park and/or beach?
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Millerton has some nice local restaurants; what's the best?
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Do state troopers patrol Millerton frequently? Local police?
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How does the poverty rate in Millerton compare to the rest of the state?
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What are the odds of finding an arboretum near Millerton?
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What's a good venue in Millerton for a kid's birthday party or special event?
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If you were going from Millerton to Albany, which route would you take?
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I've seen a "Gun Club Road" in Millerton -- well, is there a gun club there?
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Do Millerton residents have much choice when it comes to local banks?
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There's no major shopping near Millerton, so where (out-of-town) do its residents go?
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Where can I find some art galleries in North East/Millerton?
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How many movies does the Millerton theater feature at a time?
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How many of Millerton's dwellings are single-family homes?
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Is there anywhere near Millerton where I can get tennis lessons or practice?
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Are the taxes in Millerton higher or lower than other parts of Dutchess?
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If I need to get a passport, can I apply for one in Millerton anywhere?
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Do Millerton residents generally get involved in their community?
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If I were to seek a job in Millerton, what kinds of jobs would I likely find?
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