8.4 out of 10

Montana Ave, El Paso High

31.7682107035496 -106.484946589298
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  • Professionals
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  • Retirees



"Bussiest Street in town"

This by far is the most populated street in town, it will take you from North East to Central and to West El Paso. All along this street are shops, restaurants and some gyms are even on a side street, not to mention the apartment complexes that are placed all along it. At any time during the day you will be bombarded by lots of traffic and find an endless list of things to do. They have great shops on this street like Albertson's the local grocery store and restaurants like Jaxon's. This really is a great place to live especially since they have plenty of schools up and down this street too so that families can be in close range to their children.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
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"Bussiest Street in town"
31.7682107035496 -106.484946589298

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