There are a lot of great resources out there for finding an apartment in Near South Side, Chicago. has a great section for rentals and most of these are rentals by owner. is also a great resource - you can select your neighborhood, what amenities you want and even put in your minimum and maximum you are willing to pay per month.
Another source I would recommend is It allows you to choose your state, city and then neighborhood. It has a lot of the same features as Trulia with the ability to choose amenities and prices.
Here are a few more you can try:,,,, and
I particularly like because it gives you great information on how 'walkable' the area is, what your commute time will be and if you are near transit.
You can also use the local papers and most of them have an online presence now where you can look for apartments that way too. I have not personally used a real estate professional in the past - so I am not able to make a recommendation there.