3.2 out of 10

Newbury Ave, Pacific

34.1262495128974 -117.244338036502
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2/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 2/5
  • Safe & Sound 2/5
  • Clean & Green 1/5
  • Pest Free 1/5
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5
  • Eating Out 3/5
  • Nightlife 2/5
  • Parks & Recreation 2/5
  • Shopping Options 3/5
  • Gym & Fitness 1/5
  • Internet Access 2/5
  • Lack of Traffic 2/5
  • Cost of Living 2/5
  • Resale or Rental Value 1/5
  • Public Transport 4/5
  • Medical Facilities 4/5
  • Schools 4/5
  • Childcare 2/5

"Highland Avenue, not the best, but also not the worst."

Yes there can be some good things about Highland Avenue in San Bernardino. It does go from the far east end of San Bernardino and goes as far as Rancho Cucamonga, or as my father calls it Rancho Cucafungus, then ofcorse it weves in and out of Rancho Cucamonga for a little while as South Highland Avenue and just as Highland Avenue once again.

On the far east side of San Bernardino there is what is calle "East Highlands Ranch". I dont know why its called that, but I know that there is some fairly new housing in that area off of Highland, as well as some new buisness buildings along there as well. There is some shopping in that area too, such as Walmart, Ross, a hair solan, manacure/pedicure/wax place, a subway restreant, a restrant called The Open Kitchen Buffet that has really good Chinese and American food that is all you can eat for about $10 a person about $5 for kids, as well as some other shopping. Going west along Highland, you'll start getting to the older part of Highland ave. There is an old Stater Brothers grocery store along there, as well as some small family owned shops, and some more housing. That part isnt that good of an area, but it is improving. Then when you get to Sterling and Highland, there is a Big 5 Sporting store, a RiteAid, and some more shops on one side of the street as well as a Salvation Army thrift store, a mexican market, an auto detiel shop and a movie theritor that offers cheap tickets at about $5 before 5 and about $8 after that every day as well as studient and military discounts although it only has 8 screens, and the seats are not that confeterable. Also There is a WaMu there in the same parking lot. Across the street there is something like an in door flea market, called the Highland Galleria, but it is over priced on alot of their goods. In that same shoping center there is another hair place, and an Auto Zone, Bank of America, and a Staples store. Then theres some houseing on the other corner, then on the last corner there is a Target, a mail shipping place that aslo has PO Boxes there, a Burger King and some other shops as well. Going further down Highland, there is also a 2 storage places near Sterling and Highland, one on Sterling off of highland going south that they just bult within the last 3 years, and another one on Highland off of Sterling that was bult with in the last 10 years. This area generally isnt very good as well, but it does have its perks. Going further down Highland there is some more housing, a curch, and off of Highland and Del Rosa Ave, there are some shopping, such as a Walgreens, and some family owned buisness' such as Cigarette world, the bicycle shop, Highland Vetranary, a landery mat, and the Tartin, a local bar. Ive never been there, but its always been there sence I was a kid. Going further there is some more ffamily shops, as well as 3 mortuaries, one being Harrision Ross, that is where I had my doughter cremated, it was suprisingly cheap, and they where really nice, their off of Victoria and Highland, and there is also a Denny's there too. Across the street there is a park called Parris Hill Park. I would not suggest anyone be in this park unless they have a few friends with them as there have been people killed on the hill in this park, there are homeless people that hang out there and sleep on the hill away from where people can see them. Also there is a YMCA there as well. Just further down there is Saint Bernidines hospital there off of Highland and Waterman, as well as a Bakers resterant that has good ground beef beritos, good hamburgers, and great milk shakes. There is also a cemetary there as well, and it is said that Randy Roades, the lead guitarest from Black Sabbith is barried there after he died in an accident with the bands but and another car. Then there are some more shops along Highland, and houseing, then once you get to Highland and E street, after you pick up youre kids at school, you can take them to Gladies arcaide with $5 or $10 you can walk next stoor and get a tatoo started or finished. There also is a Subway restreant and a Burger King there as well.

There are 2 buese that go along the same route but oppsite directions of eachother along Highland avenue Here in San Bernardino, the number 3 and 4 buses. You can ceatch ether one from downtown San Bernardino at 4th and E street, and take a tour of the city that way, but its main rought is along Highland Ave. Ofcorse you can also ceatch the number 5 Bus off of Highland and Del Rosa Ave., and the Number 2 Bus off of Highland and E street, both of those buses goes from Cal State San Bernardino which is on the north end of the city, down their respectiuve routes, down to downtown San Bernardino, and meets up at 5th and E street by the carocel mall.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
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Newbury Ave

"Highland Avenue, not the best, but also not the worst."
34.1262495128974 -117.244338036502

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