North Elston Ave, Bucktown
Ranked 1st best street in Bucktown
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North Elston Ave
"Noisy and Polluted"
Every metropolitan city has an industrial area, and the area of Elston Avenue (also part of the Industrial Corridor) is that area of Chicago. It is an area that really does not have any residential developments or complexes, but does have some classic diners, pizzerias, and antique shops that are enjoyable to visit from time to time. Great place to search for a job, or perhaps a place to stop on your way downtown but not an area one would reside in with a family.
North Elston Ave
"the second expressway."
Elston often acts to fill the needs of impatient drivers. I'm in cahoots with them. This is the best way to get to the northwest side of the Chicago without having to stop and go every 3 seconds. At least this way you can go a block or two before you stop most of the time. Good way to get around all the hustle and bustle of a rush hour expressway. Don't flock here and take away my shortcut please!!!!
Recommended for
- Professionals
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- Families with kids
- Retirees