8.7 out of 10

Northwest Carkeek Park Rd, North Beach Blue Ridge

Ranked 1st best street in North Beach Blue Ridge
47.7113285323071 -122.366989978904
Great for
  • Clean & Green
  • Gym & Fitness
  • Neighborly Spirit
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Peace & Quiet
Not great for
  • No ratings yet
Who lives here?
  • Families with kids
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Retirees


5/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 5/5
  • Safe & Sound 5/5
  • Clean & Green 5/5
  • Peace & Quiet 5/5
  • Parks & Recreation 5/5
  • Gym & Fitness 5/5
  • Lack of Traffic 4/5

"One of Seattle's best parks"

I love Carkeek Park. Athough it's quite popular and usually pretty busy, the sheer size of the park ensures that you're going to have plenty of room to enjoy it. Families have picnics and reunions at the park, couples get married at this park, and there is absolutely no negative side to it. The walking and hiking trails seem to stretch forever through the incredible trees and foliage around the area. There is a playground for kids, plenty of parking, huge open fields and amazing views of Puget Sound. There is a covered pavilion with picnic tables underneath, as well as plenty of picnic sites in the open areas.

The entrance to the park winds through some immense trees, and the park has plenty of parking for visitors. Smaller field areas are available on the south side of the main park area for picnicing and playing frisbee with friends. Carkeek Park is about 15 minutes north of downtown Seattle.
Recommended for
  • Families with kids

"Very scenic drive to Carkeek Park"

Carkeek Park Drive is an incredibly beautiful and winding street that leads from 3rd Avenue NW down to Carkeek Park. The drive is tree-covered, with sharp twists and turns leading down to a dramatic view of the Puget Sound. Because of the sharp turns, driving fast is not recommended. There is no commercial activity on the road, and only a few houses are along the route.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
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"Very scenic drive to Carkeek Park"
47.7113285323071 -122.366989978904
"Beautiful views and good beach access"
47.6909861328514 -122.399831576358

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"A good balance of convenience and quiet"
47.7104667085855 -122.359466667648
"Strange angles, but nice houses!"
47.7036943320632 -122.382586230028
"Quiet residential street with spectacular views and serene lots"
47.6962661284733 -122.401137177168

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