5.1 out of 10

Ocean Ave, Rosedale

40.6756742321649 -73.7268932970464
Great for
  • Eating Out
  • Neighborly Spirit
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Public Transport
  • Childcare
Not great for
  • Cost of Living
  • Pest Free
  • Safe & Sound
  • Clean & Green
  • Lack of Traffic
Who lives here?
  • Singles
  • Families with kids


3/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 5/5
  • Safe & Sound 1/5
  • Clean & Green 2/5
  • Pest Free 1/5
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5
  • Eating Out 5/5
  • Nightlife 3/5
  • Parks & Recreation 5/5
  • Shopping Options 4/5
  • Gym & Fitness 4/5
  • Internet Access 3/5
  • Lack of Traffic 2/5
  • Cost of Living 1/5
  • Resale or Rental Value 4/5
  • Public Transport 5/5
  • Medical Facilities 3/5
  • Schools 2/5
  • Childcare 4/5

"Not the safest place but friendly"

I lived on Ocean Avenue by Prospect Park in Brooklyn Ny when I was young, and I must say I remember a lot of crime happening there. On the other hand, I also rememebr this great sense of community.

I have lived in a lot of places and was used to moving around a lot, but Ocean Avenue was one of those places where despite the crime rate, many people called home until the day they died. We would walk to the corner store to get candya nd the place next door to order Chinese food, and after about the thirs time being there, the employees usually already knew what we wanted. There was also a guy alex who owned a donut shop nearby and he used to pinch my cheeks I remember, as if he was my uncle saying hi, and as I grew older I realized, I didnt even really know that man.

You also had prospect park across the street, where they had a lake where we would go to feed the ducks after school and take our mind off the hustle and bustle in the street.
Recommended for
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
location map

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"Commercial and Busy"
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Unranked Streets in Rosedale

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"the hub of Rosedale, Queens"
40.6669342972263 -73.7346360821867

255th St

"nice place for kids"
40.6589691623718 -73.7320941628408

3rd St

"Good nightlife and shopping"
40.6355135855654 -73.7409150490512
"Get up on your biking"
40.6611622250955 -73.7422161101489

Caney Ln

"nice location in Rosedale"
40.6616845102381 -73.7316739356167
"noisy - truck route"
40.6642583905025 -73.7297178555139

Huxley St

"small busy street"
40.6540371669908 -73.7395124040774

Ocean Ave

"Not the safest place but friendly"
40.6756742321649 -73.7268932970464

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