6.8 out of 10

Park Ave, East End

37.7593073383036 -122.245341422367
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"A Lovely Place for a Late Night Walk"

On Monday nights, I go Irish dancing with the Alameda Ceili at the Alameda Ballet Academy. After dances, when we first started dating, my boyfriend and I used to go for walks down Park Avenue. It loops around a charming little park and eventually ends up at a tiny bit of waterfront by Roosevelt Drive.

Plus, on the other end of Park Avenue is the entrance to my favorite parking lot. If you time it just right, you can get there right as Jazzercise is letting out and score a sweet spot right near the busier Park Street.
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"Pleasant street near schools and shops in a nice small town."
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Park Ave

"A Lovely Place for a Late Night Walk"
37.7593073383036 -122.245341422367

Pearl St

"Nice place for children"
37.7572718663609 -122.241471161669

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