4.3 out of 10

Rose St, Civic Center

Ranked 5th best street in Civic Center
40.7111532493428 -74.0034351480258
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  • Retirees



"Not a place for tourists"

Rose Street is an essential place for local residents but if you are a tourist looking for the wow factor in New York, this street just isn’t going to cut it for you. The traffic is busy and there is a lot of movement but theres nothing greatly exciting so if you have a limited time, make sure you don’t dilly dally on this road.
Recommended for
  • Retirees

"On Rose Street"

With many small businesses, churches, and restaurants, this street has constant traffic, but perhaps not constant fun. I think that this would be a nice street to live on, though it seems that there are a lot of run down places on this block without a lot of wherewithal to fix anything up. There are a lot of construction businesses on this street, which seemed a little strange, but it made me realize a trend that I had never noticed. In the uptown areas, many small businesses are in heavy competition, and sign-age and the way the store is maintained has a lot to do with business. What better way to compete than to be right next door to the competition, showing them up on clientele or quality of the store. Very good tactic, indeed.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
location map

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Rose St

"On Rose Street"
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"Connects much finer roads"
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"Government and Green"
40.7132664321693 -74.0039425872131

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"Beautiful, old governmental buildings"
40.7139235146904 -74.0057844957718

Cliff St

"Great Place to Eat and Shop"
40.7085640007229 -74.0043790009875

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