Sargent St, Ingleside Heights
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Sargent St
"Near a park and a playground"
Sargent Street extends from 19th Avenue to Orizaba Avenue. Although there is no driving road connecting Sargent Street to Orizaba Avenue, there is a small white gate where people can walk through to get to Orizaba Avenue. Sargent Street, like many of the streets nearby are on a hill. There is also a school on Sargent Street and behind that school is Brooks Park. Ocean View Playground is just a few blocks away on Capitol Street. The nearest shopping center is Stonestown Shopping Center on 19th Avenue, about a 10 minute drive. Nearby this street are only two Muni bus stops, which are the 29 on Garfield Street and the M train on 19th Avenue. Also nearby are Brooks Park and Ocean View Playground. Both are great to take children and pets.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees