Southwest 16th St, Westchester
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Southwest 16th St
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"Jose Canseco St - Properly known as Ram Road."
This is a little known back street with a bit of controversy surrounding its name. The Street was originally named Ram road because of the mascot of the local high school (Coral Park). Later it was named after Jose Canseco the famous baseball player, because he had gone to Coral Park. Later on, it was made clear the Canseco dropped out of Coral Park, never actually graduating, and thus made naming the road after him a bad example. To some its still Jose Canseco street, to others (like myself) its Ram Road.
There isn't much to find on Ram road. There is an elementary school directly on ram road, another elementary school just off Ram road and of course Coral Park High School. Taking Ram road all the way to the west one finds the entrance to Florida International University. In effect, you can grow up on this street and get educated from kindergarten all the way up to your PhD! It's a very quiet street, only have rare events disrupted this quiet back road. Once there was a bomb threat at the High school ( just after the Columbine tragedy), and a few other times when a few bad seeds beat up a teacher (again at the high school).
It's not always bad, every year around October the high school has a parade marching down Ram Road and into FIU for the homecoming football game. It's a pretty nice thing to stand on the side of the road and see the ROTC and marching band kids march around and play music. There are usually some great floats to look at as well.
Depending on how close you are to 107th ave the University can be quite a walk to get to (as any place in miami). Once at the university you'll find a busy bus hub with buses going to Dolphin Mall, Miami Dade community college, and Downtown Miami and Miracle Mile.
On 107th ave and Ram Road there are two shopping centers opposite each other. This is a very dangerous area as people are rather reckless exiting these facilities. I personally saw a speeding car get clipped by a careless person sticking the cars nose to far into the road, causing the pickup to flip on its side! However, once you know to be careful here you will find a Chinese buffet, Publix, Dept. of motor vehicles (the Publix parking lot doubles as a DMV testing range for people getting their licenses), Thai food, Marine corps recruiter, dollar store, pawn shop, and a bunch of other stores.
Needless to say the University is at the heart of this area and the closer you get to FIU the more things you'll find to do and eat.
There isn't much to find on Ram road. There is an elementary school directly on ram road, another elementary school just off Ram road and of course Coral Park High School. Taking Ram road all the way to the west one finds the entrance to Florida International University. In effect, you can grow up on this street and get educated from kindergarten all the way up to your PhD! It's a very quiet street, only have rare events disrupted this quiet back road. Once there was a bomb threat at the High school ( just after the Columbine tragedy), and a few other times when a few bad seeds beat up a teacher (again at the high school).
It's not always bad, every year around October the high school has a parade marching down Ram Road and into FIU for the homecoming football game. It's a pretty nice thing to stand on the side of the road and see the ROTC and marching band kids march around and play music. There are usually some great floats to look at as well.
Depending on how close you are to 107th ave the University can be quite a walk to get to (as any place in miami). Once at the university you'll find a busy bus hub with buses going to Dolphin Mall, Miami Dade community college, and Downtown Miami and Miracle Mile.
On 107th ave and Ram Road there are two shopping centers opposite each other. This is a very dangerous area as people are rather reckless exiting these facilities. I personally saw a speeding car get clipped by a careless person sticking the cars nose to far into the road, causing the pickup to flip on its side! However, once you know to be careful here you will find a Chinese buffet, Publix, Dept. of motor vehicles (the Publix parking lot doubles as a DMV testing range for people getting their licenses), Thai food, Marine corps recruiter, dollar store, pawn shop, and a bunch of other stores.
Needless to say the University is at the heart of this area and the closer you get to FIU the more things you'll find to do and eat.
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