3.6 out of 10

West 33rd Pl, North Little Rock

34.7859444228333 -92.2690027212967
Great for
  • Clean & Green
  • Cost of Living
  • Eating Out
  • Gym & Fitness
  • Neighborly Spirit
Not great for
  • Nightlife
  • Childcare
  • Medical Facilities
  • Pest Free
  • Resale or Rental Value
Who lives here?
  • Singles


2/5 rating details
  • Neighborly Spirit 4/5
  • Safe & Sound 2/5
  • Clean & Green 4/5
  • Pest Free 2/5
  • Peace & Quiet 3/5
  • Eating Out 4/5
  • Nightlife 1/5
  • Parks & Recreation 3/5
  • Shopping Options 2/5
  • Gym & Fitness 4/5
  • Internet Access 3/5
  • Lack of Traffic 3/5
  • Cost of Living 4/5
  • Resale or Rental Value 2/5
  • Public Transport 4/5
  • Medical Facilities 2/5
  • Schools 3/5
  • Childcare 2/5

"Some renters think our street is NASCAR..."

Most of our neighbors are super friendly, but the renters don't care about damaging property and certainly don't care about the possibility that they could kill someone by going 70 mph down the street. This isn't the street for anyone that has children.
Recommended for
  • Singles
CommunityMan Hi janedoe, this sounds dangerous. Any plans for traffic calming measures in the street?
janedoe2008 Hi Brian,

Unfortunately, no. I have contacted the North Little Rock police and there is, apparently, no permanent solution to this (and the other) problems with this street.

Jane Doe
AdamS I think if you put a temporary speed camera in the street, that would make the kids think twice about speeding. Maybe something to bring up with the local council?

janedoe2008 Good idea, A.J. I didn't know quite how to approach the problems with my street and surrounding area. I will pursue your idea and see what happens...

Jane Doe
AdamS Hi janedoe2008,

This is fantastic information for people looking into this area. I hope the problems get solved in your street, although I don't like the chances. If all the council has done is put up a "cross sign" then that clearly won't solve the issue. Hmmm...I wish it was legal for people to put up their own signs saying "STOP SPEEDING IN MY STREET"!

janedoe2008 Spoke with my representative and a couple of local police. The results - a street sign on our cross road letting people know about the blind corner leading to my street, nothing done about the speeding on my street (not that there's anything <i>to</i> do), and nothing done about the people disregarding the yield sign at the JFK/Hwy 107 exit from I-40 East. AND while my family was out walking some morons in a black Jeep through a full plastic cup at my INFANT son. Called the police who said IF they found the culprit (we gave them a license plate number) they would "...give them a good talking to..." So, again I say, no children for this neighborhood or street, unless you own a gun, carry it around with you and are a good shot...
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"Some renters think our street is NASCAR..."
34.7859444228333 -92.2690027212967

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