West 45 St, Midtown
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- Lack of Traffic
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West 45 St
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Peace & Quiet
- Eating Out
- Nightlife
- Parks & Recreation
- Shopping Options
- Gym & Fitness
- Lack of Traffic
- Cost of Living
- Public Transport
"Eh, midtown"
Midtown is kind of hell right in New York city. Crowded with tourists, dirty, noisy, etc. There's not a ton to note about the street. There are a few luxury, high rise apartment buildings on this street, but, they don't seem to take the location into account when making the price point. The apartments are nice but who on earth would want to pay East Village prices to live on 45th? Nobody. There isn't really a neighborhood feel to this area until you get past 8th avenue. There are actually a few brownstones at 45th and 9th. And, some trees! But, this is pretty much the only neighborhoody part of the street.
A couple of noteworthy things on West 45th are as follows:
Broadway Dance Center -- this is one of the most famous dance schools in the country and it is pretty spectacular. People come from all over the world to take class here and they really do have an amazing setup.
Hair - the Broadway revival of Hair is on 45th and 8th. It's one of the most popular shows on Broadway right now, and it really is one of the better ones.
The Imperial Theatre is also on 45th but it's in midtown, midtown. Billy Elliot is playing there now, I think.
The street doesn't get half bad after you pass 8th as far as foot traffic, trash and noise. But, there still isn't much to write home about. There aren't any restaurants to recommend or things to do unless you like TGI Fridays and walking to a Broadway musical every night. Or, unless you're a professional dancer. That would be the only reason to live on this street. But, the public transportation is so good in this part of town, there really is no reason to live on this street at all.
A couple of noteworthy things on West 45th are as follows:
Broadway Dance Center -- this is one of the most famous dance schools in the country and it is pretty spectacular. People come from all over the world to take class here and they really do have an amazing setup.
Hair - the Broadway revival of Hair is on 45th and 8th. It's one of the most popular shows on Broadway right now, and it really is one of the better ones.
The Imperial Theatre is also on 45th but it's in midtown, midtown. Billy Elliot is playing there now, I think.
The street doesn't get half bad after you pass 8th as far as foot traffic, trash and noise. But, there still isn't much to write home about. There aren't any restaurants to recommend or things to do unless you like TGI Fridays and walking to a Broadway musical every night. Or, unless you're a professional dancer. That would be the only reason to live on this street. But, the public transportation is so good in this part of town, there really is no reason to live on this street at all.
- Broadway Theatres
- Transportation
- Crowded all the time
- Loud all the time
Recommended for
- Tourists