West 84 St, Upper West Side
Ranked 13th best street in Upper West Side
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West 84 St
"On 84th Street"
84th Street is a nice street in this section of Brooklyn. One thing I’ve noticed about this neighborhood is that nothing much changes from street to street. With that being said, there really is something special and different about each street in this cute neighborhood. I thought that it was convenient with access to the metro and buses, as well as some stores kept this street fairly dynamic. All in all, a nice street in Brooklyn.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Families with kids
West 84 St
"Nice, Quiet, Relaxed"
This street is worth visiting for Edgar’s Café on the intersection with Broadway. This restaurant has a sinister Edgar Allan Poe theme, and its dimly lit interior makes it a cozy place to linger over some red wine and one of their fantastic salads. For the most part, the 80's blocks of the Upper West Side are quiet, family oriented neighborhoods. This block is no exception. Close to the subway, supermarkets, services, and schools, this is definitely a place to consider when choosing lodgings in Manhattan. W. 84th street is nice to walk through, although it is not exceptionally remarkable compared to the ones nearby. It is close to Central Park, and the crosstown bus, the M86.
Recommended for
- Professionals
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- Families with kids
- Retirees