Willow Dr, New Aurora / English Turn
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Willow Dr
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- Neighborly Spirit
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- Clean & Green
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"English Turn-okay to visit, don't buy there - Seriously Intrusive POA"
English Turn....touts itself as 'The realm of the extraordinary'....But feels more like the realm of the extraordinarily obsessive-compulsive...Far away from good shopping, restaurants, etc..bad morning and eve traffic getting over the bridge....Not particularly neighborly in feeling due to perpetual unnecessary tension from self-righteous and litigation-friendly POA and hired nonresidents.... Its SO not worth the trouble, money or time. A gated community - that no one is busting down the walls to get in. It's pathetic what home ownership has turned into in places like this, fines of $50 or $100 per day if you're cut out of the herd for punishment.... Consider buying actual personal property, while you can still FIND it, rather than being chained to a deed-restricted 'legal liability'. Somewhere your family can feel free to display a spark of life and expect a modicum of privacy in your own backyard... perhaps, gosh, even plant a fruit tree without having it submitted by a landscape architect and drawn to scale, ad nauseum. Home values seemed to drop here just like everywhere else - try to see past the hype. Extraordinary? Nope. My opinion. Thanks,