26th Ave West, Interbay
Ranked 2nd best street in Interbay
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- Clean & Green
- Lack of Traffic
- Parks & Recreation
- Peace & Quiet
- Safe & Sound
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26th Ave West
rating details
- Neighborly Spirit
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Peace & Quiet
- Parks & Recreation
- Internet Access
- Lack of Traffic
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"Great for walking, not for driving"
On-street parking makes many streets in this area difficult to maneuver, turning them into single-lane streets. However, many of the residents utilize their street mostly for walking, running and taking their babies out fro an afternoon stroll. The trees are lush and provide shade and some natural beauty. The homes along the street are nice and most are well kept-up.
The street is broken up by an immense field and copse of trees just south of Lawton Elementary School, where kids have play fields for sports and other recreation activities. Home prices vary, some being affordable and others probably asking for more than their homes are worth.
The street is broken up by an immense field and copse of trees just south of Lawton Elementary School, where kids have play fields for sports and other recreation activities. Home prices vary, some being affordable and others probably asking for more than their homes are worth.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Families with kids
26th Ave West
"Nice street to take a stroll on"
Starting at about the 3400 block of 26th Ave W, around W Bertona St., begins a shady lane opposite Chamberlain Lake (which isn't a lake), that you can stroll along all the way up until it becomes 27th PL W, and ends at W Manor Place. It is quiet, there are usually few walkers or joggers around, so you usually have the street to yourself. Having the nice open space to the west is very nice.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees