2nd Ave, Gowanus
Ranked 6th best street in Gowanus
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Great for
- Lack of Traffic
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- Public Transport
- Clean & Green
- Safe & Sound
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- Hipsters
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2nd Ave
rating details
- Safe & Sound
- Clean & Green
- Lack of Traffic
- Public Transport
"It's not that great now but...just wait?"
Wellllll - there are businesses springing up in this area believe it or not. They're of the sort that can't afford to open up in a less industrial, more expensive area. Gowanus right now is like Williamsburg before any musicians decided to move in to the warehouse spaces on the waterfront. Of course, the Gowanus Canal is way more poisonous than the East River - so move in at your own risk, poor artist types!
I was wandering down this Ave on my way home from Lowes and I think I passed that new music venue that is opening up here - in spite of warnings to all not to walk around such a deserted industrial area at night. Anyway, it's supposed to open in two months on 2nd Ave and 14th Street, and it'll probably be awesome and remind everyone of Williamsburg before there were condos and shops that sold $300 t-shirts.
At the moment it's difficult to rate many of the above Additional Ratings because there just isn't much here besides warehouses and service stations. It's quiet, but ugly. If anyone can find a place to live on 2nd Ave, I can't imagine they'd pay much for it. At least, I hope they'd be wise enough not to.
I was wandering down this Ave on my way home from Lowes and I think I passed that new music venue that is opening up here - in spite of warnings to all not to walk around such a deserted industrial area at night. Anyway, it's supposed to open in two months on 2nd Ave and 14th Street, and it'll probably be awesome and remind everyone of Williamsburg before there were condos and shops that sold $300 t-shirts.
At the moment it's difficult to rate many of the above Additional Ratings because there just isn't much here besides warehouses and service stations. It's quiet, but ugly. If anyone can find a place to live on 2nd Ave, I can't imagine they'd pay much for it. At least, I hope they'd be wise enough not to.
- good place to open loud music venues - no neighbors to complain
- eerily inactive
Recommended for
- Hipsters
2nd Ave
"Lonely Avenue---Nothing Here"
There is absolutely nothing on this Avenue except for Lutheran Medical Center. There is no reason to walk on 2nd Avenue between 26th and 64th streets unless you have to go to the hospital, seriously. I would not walk that avenue during the night you might be mistaken for a hooker or get mugged. Needless to say this isn’t the safest street. You will find apartment buildings and factories in the area.