6.9 out of 10

5th Ave Northeast, Haller Lake

47.7162537635775 -122.323498040444
Great for
  • Public Transport
  • Lack of Traffic
Not great for
  • Peace & Quiet
Who lives here?
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids


4/5 rating details
  • Peace & Quiet 2/5
  • Lack of Traffic 4/5
  • Public Transport 5/5

"My favorite alternative to the main drag"

Sure, you can take I-5, or Aurora, or Roosevelt, to get around North Seattle, but why fight all the traffic? 5th Avenue provides easy access from the U District up to the county line.

5th NE runs alongside I-5 for most of its length, so don't buy a house there if you're sensitive to noise. Also, it lacks sidewalks along several stretches of road. But living just off 5th on any of the E-W streets might be a great choice.

5th Avenue passes through family neighborhoods like Wallingford and Maple Leaf, as well as retail districts like Northgate. 5th is an avenue with much to offer.
Recommended for
  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
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Unranked Streets in Haller Lake

"My favorite alternative to the main drag"
47.7162537635775 -122.323498040444
"A street with lots of different characters"
47.7183409536851 -122.334158126524
"A mixed bag: noisy but convenient"
47.7232083971056 -122.339107720068
"Some road noise, but othewise lovely and convenient"
47.7158441234778 -122.321561410114
"Diverse neighborhood with considerable appeal"
47.7133243621926 -122.313655372691

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