Meridian Ave North, Haller Lake
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Meridian Ave North
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- Neighborly Spirit
- Clean & Green
- Parks & Recreation
- Medical Facilities
- Schools
"A street with lots of different characters"
I grew up near Meridian, north of Haller Lake, where it's a north-south arterial that gets busy around rush hour but is pretty quiet most of the rest of the time. North of the county line, it continues up into Edmonds, and it's the road I used to take to visit my grandparents near Lake Ballinger.
Haller Lake, then North Seattle Community College, then Green Lake break up the street, but south of about N 50th it runs straight and true down to Gasworks Park.
Schools and parks dot the whole length of Meridian, whether it's marked as an arterial or not. This makes it a very green street in an already very green city, and a great place to raise kids. There's not much retail right on the street (except through Wallingford) but it gives easy access to retail areas and to Downtowon via Aurora or I-5.
Haller Lake, then North Seattle Community College, then Green Lake break up the street, but south of about N 50th it runs straight and true down to Gasworks Park.
Schools and parks dot the whole length of Meridian, whether it's marked as an arterial or not. This makes it a very green street in an already very green city, and a great place to raise kids. There's not much retail right on the street (except through Wallingford) but it gives easy access to retail areas and to Downtowon via Aurora or I-5.
Recommended for
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees